Massage therapist using light touch to gently massage a client’s back during a lymphatic drainage treatment


Massage • Facials • Acupuncture • Chinese Herbal Medicine

Lymphatic Drainage in Connecticut

Lymphatic treatments for circulation, detoxification, chronic illness management, and post-op recovery.

Regain your internal balance with deeply restorative and relaxing lymphatic drainage treatments. Using light, rhythmic movements to stimulate lymph flow and circulation, lymphatic massages provide a gentle yet effective way to support your overall well-being.

We offer manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and specialized lymphatic massages with the Phyto5 Biodraineur, as well as Chinese medicine services that can be used to normalize lymphatic function. Visit us at our wellness center in Westport, CT.

Therapist using gentle pressure to massage lymph nodes during manual lymphatic drainage treatment

How Does Lymphatic Drainage Work?

Manual lymphatic drainage works by guiding stagnant lymph from congested areas toward healthy lymph nodes, which then filter out harmful substances like bacteria, waste, and viruses and return clean lymph to the bloodstream.

Your massage therapist will gently massage areas where there is no swelling to create space for lymphatic fluid to drain and flow properly. As much of the lymphatic system lies close to the surface of the skin, only light pressure is needed to stimulate its flow.

  • • First-time clients, please arrive 15 minutes early to allow ample time to complete the necessary intake paperwork. If you are a returning client, please aim to arrive 5-10 minutes early.

    • Stay well-hydrated before and after your massage. Proper hydration supports the body’s natural detoxification process.

    • Avoid eating a large meal before your appointment. Opt for a light snack instead.

    • Expect to undress to your level of comfort. If you'd rather wear clothing during your session, you should wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes that allow your therapist to work on the areas that need to be massaged.

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that helps encourage the natural flow of lymph and aid the body in eliminating excess fluid. This specialized medical massage targets the lymphatic system, an intricate network of organs, vessels, and nodes that make and circulate lymph. The lymphatic system is an integral part of the immune and circulatory systems, helping to defend against disease and rid the body of toxins. Though the lymphatic system is designed to work without assistance, it can occasionally become sluggish or blocked. When this happens, fluids can build up and cause swelling, discomfort, and other symptoms.

What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage massages?

Lymphatic drainage massages not only support the function of the lymphatic system, but also the nervous, muscular, and immune systems. Some of the benefits of lymphatic massages include:

  • Improved lymph and blood circulation

  • Detoxification

  • Reduced swelling and inflammation

  • Improved immune function

  • Stress relief

  • Pain relief

Licensed therapist massaging a client’s arm during manual lymphatic drainage

Why is lymphatic drainage important after surgery?

Lymphatic drainage plays an important role in post-surgical healing by addressing a common side effect of surgery: swelling. While swelling is a natural inflammatory response after surgery, it can hinder the healing process and cause discomfort. Lymphatic drainage massages can help support your post-operative recovery by preventing fluid buildup, alleviating pain, and promoting faster and more efficient healing.

Consult your healthcare provider to determine if lymphatic drainage is suitable for your specific surgery and recovery timeline.

What is lymphedema?

Lymphedema is swelling caused by the build-up of lymph fluid in the body. Cancer and its treatment are common causes of lymphedema. During surgery for cancer, nearby lymph nodes are often removed, and radiation therapy can damage your lymph nodes. Lymphedema is a chronic condition that can develop months or even years after treatment. Though it can’t be completely prevented, lymphedema can be managed with lymphatic drainage treatments.


Our Lymphatic Drainage Treatments in CT

At Arogya Holistic Healing, we offer a range of lymphatic drainage treatments, including manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), cupping lymphatic massages with the Phyto5 Biodraineur, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine. All of our massage and bodywork therapies can be custom-designed to meet your needs. Do not hesitate to discuss any areas of concern that you would like to focus on with our team of Licensed Massage Therapists.

Licensed therapist massaging the back of a client’s leg

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

During a Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) session, your therapist will use light strokes and rhythmic movements to promote circulation and lymphatic flow. This technique is often used to manage conditions such as lymphedema, post-surgical swelling, and chronic pain, fatigue, and inflammation. Lymphatic drainage treatments require softer pressure than that of a traditional massage, so the overall experience should be deeply soothing and restorative.

60 min $180 / 90 min $270

Phyto5 Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Our Phyto5 lymphatic drainage treatment combines the benefits of traditional lymphatic massage with the therapeutic effects of cupping therapy.

Using a specialized machine called the Phyto5 Biodraineur, your therapist will guide glass cups over your skin, and the Biodraineur will gently pull and release the layers of skin to promote blood circulation, enhance lymphatic flow, and release tension. This treatment is completely non-invasive, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

60 min $180 / 90 min $270

Massage therapist gliding the cups of lymphatic drainage machine across a woman’s face

Phyto5 Facial Lymphatic Drainage

Look forward to healthy, detoxified, and glowing skin after a gentle facial treatment with the Phyto5 Biodraineur.

This targeted facial lymphatic massage uses small cups on the face and neck to reduce puffiness and inflammation, eliminate impurities, and improve oxygen and blood flow to the skin.

60 min $220 / 90 min $330

Learn more about our holistic facials.

Acupuncturist placing acupuncture needles into a patient’s hand

Acupuncture for Lymphatic Drainage

Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to supporting the lymphatic system. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, lymphatic stagnation may point to deeper energetic imbalances and acupuncture aims to restore balance to the body as a whole.

By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture can help regulate energy flow and activate the body's natural healing mechanisms. Improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune function are just a few ways acupuncture can support your lymphatic health and overall well-being.


A Multifaceted Approach to Lymphatic Health

Amplify the benefits of individual therapies with a powerful combination of treatments. A holistic treatment plan at Arogya may include acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, wellness teas, and lifestyle recommendations to address the root causes of lymphatic congestion and inflammation.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatments including mugwort, acupuncture needles, herbs, traditional glass cups for cupping, and Pe Min Gan Wan (Chinese herbal formula).

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Trigger point acupuncture, cupping, guasha, and moxibustion are techniques that are often coordinated with acupuncture to further promote the flow of blood, Qi, and lymph.

Learn more about our Chinese Medicine services.

Assorted loose leaf teas in tea bowls

Detoxifying Teas

Our Detox Teas incorporate healing herbs that support gentle detoxification and restore balance from within. When alongside traditional healing modalities, these wellness blends are a powerful tool in supporting overall health.

Traditional Chinese medicine herbs including astragalus root slices and red dates

Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is a fundamental part of our treatment strategy. Browse our online collection of Chinese herbs and herbal formulas. For custom herbal recommendations, schedule an acupuncture appointment or Wellness Consultation.


Meet Our CT Licensed Massage Therapists

With extensive experience and training in several massage modalities, our licensed massage therapists utilize a variety of techniques to create custom massage experiences. Treatments with our massage therapists are tailored to your unique needs and will leave you feeling refreshed and restored.


Give the Gift of Massage Therapy

If you're looking for a thoughtful wellness gift for someone special, a massage gift certificate is a perfect choice. Gift your loved ones the opportunity to relax and unwind.

Digital gift cards can be used for any service offered at our clinic. Talk to us if you'd like to create a custom gift that includes a specific number of treatments or a specific type of service.


Lymphatic Drainage FAQs

  • Call us at (203) 226-2682 or send an email to and we will be happy to find a time that works for you!

  • Yes, we offer post-surgical lymphatic drainage massages. Lymphatic drainage treatments can help to aid the recovery process and reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.

    If you are considering a post-surgical massage, it is important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine when the best time is for you to begin post-op massage treatments.

  • • Stay hydrated. We recommend drinking water before and after your lymphatic drainage massage treatment. Proper hydration supports the body’s natural detoxification process.

    • Don’t eat a big meal before your appointment. Opt for a light snack instead.

    • If you prefer to wear clothing during your session, you should wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes that allow your therapist to work on the areas that need to be massaged.

  • Lymphatic drainage stands apart from other massage techniques because it requires very light pressure. The lymphatic system resides just beneath the skin’s surface, and excessive pressure can damage its delicate and intricate network of vessels and nodes. The light pressure, combined with the repetitive, rhythmic nature of the strokes, should create a deeply relaxing and peaceful experience, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • Lymphatic drainage can help improve the function of the nervous, muscular, lymphatic, and immune systems by promoting circulation and detoxification and reducing inflammation.

    Using gentle, rhythmical movements, our lymphatic drainage massages help to enhance fluid flow among the connective tissue while encouraging the lymphatic system to eliminate metabolic waste products, excess fluid, and bacteria.

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage is not recommended for individuals with:

    • Heart conditions

    Kidney failure

    • Blood clots

    • Active infections

    If you are unsure whether manual lymphatic drainage is safe for you due to any underlying health concerns, please consult your healthcare provider.


Licensed massage therapist draping a massage table for a treatment

Looking for lymphatic drainage massages in Westport, Connecticut?

Proudly serving Fairfield County, CT, and NY.

Our massage center is located on Post Road East in downtown Westport, CT.

To book a lymphatic drainage session with one of our licensed therapists, please send an email to or give us a call.